Artist Bio
Jen Musatto was born in 1975 in the western suburbs of Chicago. As the shy, middle child in a family of 3 children, Jen spent her days drawing, painting, and creating things she seen in her daydreams. At the age of 7, her mother introduced her to the sewing machine and basic stitches. From that day on sewing became Jen’s form of artistic expression. In 2007 Jen began creating plush dolls using her sewing machine to add fine details to their faces, such as eyelashes, scars, and beauty marks. She finds solace in sewing bits and pieces of fabric together watching limbs, torsos and features come to life. Most importantly, telling the story of each doll, are the enthralling faces hand-crafted by Musatto, which captivate even the most dispassionate observers. Delicately teetering on the cusp of delightfully dark and deviant, Jen Musatto’s dolls has been spotted in several prominent galleries around the country, including, Stranger Factory, Rotofugi Gallery, OHNO! Doom, Schmancy Toys (Plush You!), and FOE Gallery to name a few. Her works have been featured in “STUFFED MAGAZINE” as well as “Just Steampunk” and “Contemporary Art Doll Collector” magazine.